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Institute of Contemporary Art Miami

IDEA 014: Zoé Whitley on the work of Betye Saar

IDEA 014: Zoé Whitley on the work of Betye Saar

ICA Miami welcomes Dr. Zoé Whitley, curator and director of Chisenhale Gallery, London, who will discuss the work of Betye Saar on the occasion of the artist’s exhibition survey “Serious Moonlight.” In conversation with exhibition curator Stephanie Seidel, Whitley will discuss Saar’s installations and the broader context of her work. Whitley most recently exhibited Saar’s works as the co-curator of the award-winning exhibition “Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of Black Power” initiated by Tate Modern in London in 2017, which toured throughout the United States until 2020.

About Zoé Whitley

As director of Chisenhale Gallery, a leading nonprofit space founded by artists in London’s East End, Whitley is responsible for the production and commissioning of new works of art by era-defining contemporary artists. Exhibitions to her credit include co-curating “Elijah Pierce’s America” at the Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia, 2020, and curating the British Pavilion at the 2019 Venice Biennale. She writes widely on contemporary artists and serves on numerous international art prize juries. Whitley is a trustee of Creative Access and the UAL Decolonising Arts Institute. Her prior roles include senior curator, Hayward Gallery, London; curator, international art, Tate Modern; and curator of contemporary programmes, Victoria and Albert Museum, London.